
So who are you again? 

Megan Vasiles is a writer, editor, marketing specialist, and aspiring globetrotter who believes in the power of words as a tool to help us shape meaning in our lives.

PagePoems began in June of 2021, after Megan accidentally ordered a large stack of disembodied book pages from Etsy. Deep in the doldrums of pandemic summer, she started cutting them up and using the pieces to write songs about whales, poems about her cat, and occasionally Star Wars fanfic. The idea evolved after a friend asked her to write a poem about a recently departed animal friend, and Megan knew she wanted to help others hold onto their treasured memories in a tangible format.

Megan’s work has been featured in Beyond the Galaxy (anthology, 2019), and she has spoken about creativity and art on the Innovative Mindset Podcast (2021). In her downtime you can find Megan writing long-form science fiction and fantasy, baking tasty vegan treats, and exploring her adoptive home of NYC.

A young woman of Mediterranean descent with brown hair, brown eyes, and large black hipster glasses. She's wearing a cute blue blazer.